Welcome to Placard
Passionate · Innovative · Progressive
Placard is Australia’s only Secure Plastic Card manufacturer that is accredited by all major schemes, providing service based product solutions that are used by the most recognised brands in financial, retail, identification, government, loyalty and hospitality sectors.

Placard, as a fully accredited serviced provider of Secure Plastic Cards produces in excess of 100,000,000 cards each year and are continuing to break our production records every year.
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Recent News
AUSTIN, Texas, September 30, 2019 ̶ HID Global®, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions,...
AUSTIN, Texas, September 30, 2019 ̶ HID Global®, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions,...
AUSTIN, Texas, September 30, 2019 ̶ HID Global®, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions,...
AUSTIN, Texas, September 30, 2019 ̶ HID Global®, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions,...
AUSTIN, Texas, September 30, 2019 ̶ HID Global®, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions,...
AUSTIN, Texas, September 30, 2019 ̶ HID Global®, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions,...
November 2011 - Best Card Design Competition Winner.
AUSTIN, Texas, September 30, 2019 ̶ HID Global®, a worldwide leader in trusted identity solutions,...
June 2002 - Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame Certificate